Donation Wizard
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Thank you for considering a financial partnership with us!
Without your generocity and kindness the work that Dorcus House is doing would not be possible. Donations both small and large make up all the finances that enable us to do the work we do. Thank you!
We have some different ways you can offer financial support. Please click 'Next' and select an option that is the most appropriote for you.
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Select your donation amount and how often your would like to donate. Please allow for a small processing fee in the payment amount
How We Help. You Can Too

Regular Food Parcels
Every month Dorcus House provides around 80 widows living in the slums of Kolkata with a food parcel to suppliment their diet. Without it, both them and their children would go hungry.

Education For Children
Education is a significant costs to the underpriveleged Children of Bapatla India. Dorcus house helps by contributing to these costs ensuring these children get the education they deserve and an opportunitiy to break out of the poverty cycle.